Physical culture and sport in Kazakhstan on the eve of the establishment of soviet power


  • Grigorkevich Alexandr Anatolievich
  • Saktaganova Zauresh Galimzhanovna


Kazakh khanate, Russian Empire, physical culture and sport, national games, competitions, fairs, Kazakhstan's accession to Russia


The history of Kazakhstan is closely connected with the history of the Soviet Union. All spheres of life of both States have a
single beginning-everyday life, development of culture and science, similar infrastructure of cities. However, we should not forget
that Kazakhstan before joining the USSR was formed as a state as the Kazakh khanate, part of The Golden Horde and the Empire of
Genghis Khan, the Turkic khanate. Kazakh people had their national games, living conditions and other perception of the world.
Therefore, the development of physical education in pre-revolutionary conditions in Kazakhstan is of scientific interest. This article
discusses the state of the system of physical culture and sports before Kazakhstan's entry into the Soviet state. Nevertheless, the
publication also touches upon the period of development of physical culture of the Kazakh people after the country's accession to the Russian Empire and its formation in the conditions of tsarism. What was the physical component of the life of the peoples living in the territory of the Kazakh khanate, before the Communists came to power – it tried to analyze the authors of this article

