Prerequisites on how to install the admin-admin status


  • Orlov Vyacheslav Anatolyevich
  • Subbotin Igor Vladimirovich


bailiff, administrative and legal status, principles of activity of bailiffs, legal status of bailiff, Federal law, constitutional law, bailiffs.


Currently, the activity of bailiffs is one of the key in the implementation of compulsory enforcement proceedings on decisions and
decisions of judicial institutions. First of all, it is necessary to agree what is meant by this type of employee – the bailiff is an official
whose main duty, first of all, is the execution of court decisions and decisions in a coercive nature. The activity of the bailiff is
supported by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The bailiff, carrying out its activities, has a creative impact on the overall
development of society, as well as on the legal culture of citizens. An important aspect of their work is the list of principles on which
they base their tasks.
The bailiff is the officer whose primary responsibility acts compulsory enforcement of judicial decisions and judgments. He is a
Federal public civil servant. Its activities are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The service of
the bailiff affects both the social development of society and the legal culture of citizens. This is because the key to effective legal
protection is to achieve the desired end results. An important role among the components of the administrative and legal status of
bailiffs play the principles of their activities.
Depending on the duties assigned to employees of the Federal bailiff service (FSSP), bailiffs are divided into the following
- bailiffs - bailiffs who carry out court decisions;
- bailiffs to ensure the established procedure for the activities of the courts (OUPDS) – persons who monitor the observance of
law and order in the courts, are accompanying bailiffs when leaving the addresses of debtors.
The article discusses in detail the activities of bailiffs, as people often have to deal with them.

