Problems of prevention of cibercrime


  • Aidarova Ainur Aitugankyzy
  • Kambarov Azamat Kambaruly


Cyberсrime; crimes; information technologies; prevention of crime; method of prevention crime; prevention against cybercrime; qualification of crime.


The article submitted covers advanced methods of cybercrime fighting in developed countries and opportunities of their use for
law enforcement in Republic of Kazakhstan. Economic opportunities of computer technologies make them attractive for criminals.
Cybercrime is promoted by IT in everyday life and Internet. Technical methods of protection from criminal offense committed with
the use of computer technologies are studied together with organizational and criminal law methods enabling efficient investigation of cybercrimes, correct classification of crime components and fair punishment. Feasibility of further criminalization of acts accounting for lucri causa and crime commitment method in cybercrimes is substantiated. The conducted research enabled the
author to classify the advanced contemporary methods in connection with fighting cybercrime and come to the conclusion on their
comprehensive use.

