Improving the quality of vocational training on the basis of improving the system of vocational guidance for young people


  • Khokhlova Tatyana Petrovna


career orientation; quality of education; youth self-determination; three-level career guidance model; consultants for career guidance; career-oriented marketing; career guidance camp.


The article presents the current problems of career guidance of youth. It is presented that the purpose of career guidance is to
assist a young man in professional self-determination and a choice of an optimal type of employment, taking into account his needs and opportunities, as well as the socio-economic situation in the labor market. It has been substantiated that the improvement of the career guidance system should be considered as a factor in improving the quality of education and the effectiveness of the professional activities of graduates. The results of the study conducted by the author. The proposed measures to improve the work on career guidance at the micro and macro levels on a systematic basis, in particular, the implementation of the three-component model of career guidance: pre-school - school - CPS (HEI). The main directions are highlighted: in general education institutions - the creation of career guidance offices, aimed not only at students, but also of their parents; in universities - the organization of centers for career guidance and marketing of educational activities, conducting career guidance camps for adolescents. Improving career guidance work will provide universities with a high-quality contingent through the synergy of the triad - “applicant → student → graduate” and will lead to a significant socio-economic effect.

