Analysis of the system of criteria indicators in the study of watercolor painting in the preparation of designers


  • Derbisova Mariya Abduvakitovna


painting, color, watercolor painting technique, evaluation criteria, theory, terminology


Studying the Discipline of Painting in the training of designers sets the task of mastering a sufficient volume of
theoretical knowledge of skills, techniques of watercolor painting, as a result of which the student must develop compositional
and creative abilities and be able to apply them in independent artistic and project activities.
The main factors in the study of the theory of painting are: the figurative nature of works, the knowledge of the theory
of painting in the field of color, color perception, the competent application of pictorial laws, and the solution of creative
tasks in academic work. The analysis of the criteria proposed by researchers for the content aspect was carried out.
Proceeding from the purposes of our work, the criterion of proficiency in conceptual-theoretical terminology was singled out,
characterized by a group of indicators that are used to diagnose students' level of preparation.

