Methods of research of the emotional sphere of personality .


  • Akmanova Galiya Rakhmetolina
  • Akzhalov Beisenbek Tokhtarbekovich
  • Kundakova Altynbibi Bolatkalievna
  • Dakina Gulaym Tokenovna


personality, emotions, emotional gtate, experience, sense, fear, anxiety, stress, affect , psyche


In the emotional sphere between the people especially bright individual distinctions are found, in this article foreign
socially psychological researches of emotions are considered. Relying on these theoretical and empirical researches the main
problems of research of an emotional condition of the personality are allocated . In turn many socially psychological
phenomena contain an emotional content . To the main components of emotion refer feeling as conscious experience of
emotion and emotional regulation. Researches distinguish emotion as a state and emotion as a personal line. Some emotions
covering a number of experiences , is called as emotional episodes. Without studying of the emotional sphere in psychology
and social psychology are considered.
Key questions of socially psychological studying of the emotional phenomena are discussed. The originality of emotions and
feelings is defined by personal properties an orientation of the personality her motives, aspirations, intentions, individual
mental properties. The problem of emotional development of the personality is in psychology is one of the most difficult and
low studied. Now there is no complete concept of development of the emotional sphere of the personality.

