Communicative failures in communication characters of artwork


  • Dolgusheva Tatiyana Vladimirovna
  • Knysh Irina Sergeevna


communicative failure; communication communicative situation; addresser; destination; non-cooperative interaction; assessment speech act; speech tactics.


The article is devoted to the pragmatic aspect of interpersonal communication, which corresponds to the anthropocentric
approach to the study of linguistic facts. A component of this aspect are communication failures that reduce the effectiveness
of communication.
Some interpretations of communicative failure and the sources of their occurrence are considered. Communicative
failures are the result of non-cooperative speech interaction based on the dominance of the addressee of the communication,
on the violation of the maxim of speech communication and its norms.The authors proceed from the fact that the source of
communicative failures is the difference in the interests and positions of the participants in communication, the contradictions
in approaches to solving the issue, as well as the behavior of one of the communicants. The subsequent reaction of the
addressee, based on the speaker’s speech influence on the listener, on the absence of constructive interaction and consent
between the participants in communication, is also taken into account.
The communicative failures are analyzed on the basis of the material of the dialogues of the characters of prose V.M.
Shukshin and V.G. Rasputin and their role in the work.

