Influence of gender identity on career choice


  • Zаrifova Madina Abdrahmanovna
  • Tataurova Nina Leonidovna
  • Rakhimzhanova Nazgul Amantaevna
  • Sabekova Kymbat Bagdatovna


gender identity, self-determination, self-attitude, decision-making, choice of profession.


The division in society into "male" and "female" spheres of work is initially associated with traditional attitudes about the
roles of men and women. It is assumed that the care of the home and family, the upbringing of children is the responsibility of
mainly (or exclusively) women. The man is given the role of the breadwinner of the family. Stereotypes influence the formation
of a division in society into the professional environment, more inherent in one or the other sex. Therefore, often the
professional choice of young people is determined by the already established system of roles of men and women. But not
In psychology, there is an increasing interest in understanding the problems of self-determination of the individual in the
social and professional environment, which is associated with changes in both society and the prevailing ideas about the
living conditions of people. Changing the usual norms of relationships, requirements for professions, quality of life, there are
new factors of social and professional development, etc. All this is reflected in the self-consciousness and behavior of people.
The process of formation of self-determination is the result of the influence of many interrelated external and internal factors,
the system of which includes gender

