Soviet foreign policy during the Civil war and foreign intervention


  • Kapyshev Ardak Kayrzhanovich
  • Dairova Manshuk Kairatovna
  • Kakonova Madina Muratovna


Азаматтық соғыс, интервенция, сыртқы саясат, большевиктер, меньшевиктер.


The article comprehensively examines the foreign policy of Soviet Russia during the Civil war and foreign intervention
since 1917. Having demonstrated open hostility to the Soviet state, the Entente governments in November 1917 decided not to
recognize the Soviet government. Moreover, on December 10, 1917, great Britain and France concluded an agreement on the
division of Soviet Russia into spheres of influence. In fact, an economic blockade had already begun, designed to suffocate the
Soviet Republic with hunger. Representatives of the United States, great Britain and France, abusing diplomatic immunity,
colluded with the counter-revolutionaries, helping them in the fight against the socialist revolution. After the defeat of the
white guard troops near Petrograd in December 1919, conditions were created for negotiations with the Baltic countries.

