The role of Semipalatinsk in the socio-economic development of the region (2 half of the ХІХ th century)


  • Ramazanova Ferdania Serzhanovna
  • Zhampeyisova Madina Amantayevna


accession of Kazakhstan to Russia, the fortress and the city of Semipalatinsk, economic and social development, city improvement, a transit trade center, public life and urban economy


The study of the process of the emergence and further development of cities is important in elucidating some aspects of
Kazakhstan's accession to Russia, and other aspects of the new period of its history as a whole. Materials on the history of
cities reflect the history of the region as a whole, features and the main stages of its socio-economic, socio-political, cultural
The history of the cities of Kazakhstan during the period of joining Russia allows us to trace the main stages of the
colonial policy of tsarism in Kazakhstan, the patterns of development of economic relations between Russia and its national
suburbs, changes in social relations, the ways the Russian economy affects the Kazakh economy, the impact of Russian culture
on the culture of the Kazakh people.
In connection with the beginning of the process of penetration of capitalist relations into Kazakhstan, the history of the
emergence, development and formation of the city of Semipalatinsk, the development of culture and public education, the
emergence of scientific and cultural and educational institutions in the city, the importance of the influence of the activities of
political exiles on the development of the region are of interest.

