Formation of professional competence in the process of training health managers


  • Pugach Vitalina Nikolaevna


health care managers, professional training, legal training, professional competence, legal competence


The article is devoted to the urgent problem of the formation of professional competence in the process of training health
managers. The analysis of scientific research shows that the following pedagogical conditions have an impact on the
formation of legal competence: the formation of a system of legal knowledge, skills in the process of their use in managerial
activities; the use in the educational process of professionally oriented legal tasks that are maximally adapted to the industry
orientation; application of innovative teaching methods; focus on humanistic trends in the organization of the educational
process; the formation of social culture; improving the educational process of training specialists through the use of
information technology.
On the basis of the conducted research, the use of professionally oriented legal tasks that are maximally adapted to the
industry focus in the educational process is highlighted. Practical examples of legal problems are given, the purpose of which
is the formation of the axiological, humanistic, empirical, cognitive and acmeological components of legal competence.

