The Reason for the Transition to the Development of the New Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 1995: Historical Analysis


  • Raushan Sayranovna Alzhanova


constitution, Supreme Council, Parliament, impeachment, public harmony, political stability, economic development ”, Kazakhstani patriotism, voting, republican referendum.


The article reveals the socio-political situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the reasons and the need that required the
transition to the development of the current Constitution of 1995. The contents of the Constitution of 1993 (which, despite a
number of positive innovations, nevertheless did not correspond to the new historical time, modern realities of that period and
had a number of shortcomings) were examined in detail. The article also reveals the issue that the new Constitution began to
meet not only the current needs, but, most importantly, the prospects of Kazakhstan. It positively solved the problem of
relations between the society and the state, strengthened the sense of patriotism and confidence in the future for the whole
people, taking into account the measure of Kazakhstan, the multi-ethnic population, the state of society and the experience of
countries that have successfully found a way out of similar situations.

