Role of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other normative legal acts in the system of measures to prevent criminal offenses of anthropogenic nature in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Temirgazin Roman Khurmatullayevich
  • Karamurzin Tolesh Anurbekovich


man-made disaster, accident, man-made criminal offense, emergency, grave consequences


The scientific article is devoted to the problems of preventing criminal offenses of anthropogenic nature. This article
analyzes the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as the main law having the highest legal force, enshrines the
fundamental rights of citizens, which society and the state are obliged to observe and protect, and the other regulatory
framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan is designed to strengthen the fight against criminal offenses of anthropogenic
nature, as well as international legal acts. Particular attention is paid to preventive measures, their application and lack of
implementation of the struggle in the field of technogenic criminal offenses. A number of provisions and recommendations for
improving preventive activities in this direction are formulated

