Formation of Democratic Ideas of Alashordyn residents under the influence of socio-political processes


  • Tyuebaeva Asemgul Kaisarovna
  • Muhamadeyeva Irina Alexadrovna


state, repression, intellectual elite, statehood, Soviet power


In its movement towards the formation of an independent national state, the Kazakh people have come a long
way, filled with global upheavals and tragic events. One of the most fateful periods was the 20th century, which became
the time of the revival of the Kazakh statehood, the formation of which was predetermined by the reform ideas of the
Alash movement.
The purpose of this article is to reveal and analyze the meaning of the democratic ideas of Alash Orda and its
followers. The article examines the key aspects in the history of the Alash Orda: the preconditions for its emergence, its
leaders and the nature of its activities.
The work pays attention to such representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia as A. Bokeikhanov, A. Baitursynov,
M. Dulatov and others, whose activities and ideas contributed to the awakening of the national consciousness of the
Kazakh people. The study is aimed at objectively determining the role and place of the Alash movement in the state and
legal formation of independent Kazakhstan.

