Some innovations in antitrust regulation of Kazakhstan


  • Bablanov Tleuberdy Kadesovich
  • Аitzhanov Аldash Тurdikulovich


Entrepreneurship Code, economic competitiveness, Anti-monopolistic authority, dominants, tradable boundaries of market, risks, compliance.


Since 1st January of 2016, Entrepreneurship Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan has replaced Law «On
competition» of the Republic of Kazakhstan and has become the main anti-monopolistic normative legal act of the Republic of
The approaches to identification of dominants underwent major changes, particularly the Registry of dominants was
abolished. Thus, till 1st January of 2017 only those companies that were in the Registry of dominants could be accepted as
dominants. The companies, recognized to be dominants on their market by the Anti-monopolistic authority, were allowed to
lead their own practice in accordance with anti-monopolistic legislation, which, in its turn, set some obligations and
Regarding anti-competitive agreements, application of bans also changed. The novelty includes eligibility criteria
for making vertical anti-competitive agreements.
Given article will include conceptual novelties in anti-monopolistic governance of Kazakhstan that are implemented
in accordance with the Entrepreneurship Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 2016-2017.

