The current state of the institution of inheritance by law: problems and ways of improvement


  • Aubakirova G. A.


Constitution, inheritance, law, heirs, parents, children, spouse, degree of kinship, disabled citizens, dependents.


Inheritance is an institution inherent in any developed, legal democratic State.

All citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan have equal rights regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, as well as other circumstances.

Legal guarantees of the exercise of hereditary rights are provided for by civil, family and other norms regulating issues of hereditary succession.

The most common basis for the transfer of the testator's property to his legal successors is inheritance by law.

Inheritance by law as one of the grounds for inheritance arose much earlier than inheritance by will.

The relevance of inheritance by law in our country is explained by the fact that only a small number (although constantly growing) of people decide to use the right to make a will. Therefore,

legislative regulation, as well as scientific consideration and interpretation of the institution of inheritance by law is timely.

