Қазақстан Конституциясындағы адам құқықтарының дегуманизациясы (ескерту, алдын алу)
дегуманизациясы, адам құқықтары, Қазақстан Республикасы Конституциясы, алдын алу, заңнамаАңдатпа
This article analyzes the theoretical and scientific-practical bases of “updating and new content" of the Constitution of the
Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of dehumanization of human rights and freedoms. The author tried to point out in
fragments the legislation (in the field of health, education, labor), which will change in the conditions of a state of emergency
and moral exclusion of a person due to technology.
The main result of the article is the possibility of preventing negative consequences and consolidating the dehumanization
of human rights in the Concept of legal policy after 2020.
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