Қазақстан мемлекеттілігінің қалыптасу тарихын кеңестік баяндау


  • Мухамадеева Ирина Александровна
  • Ержанов Бауыржан Серикұлы


Кеңестік Қазақстан, мемлекеттілік, кеңестік билік, большевиктік кезең, Алаш партиясы, КСРО, АССР, ҚССР.


The article examines the history of the formation of the Kazakh statehood in the Bolshevik period and the
functioning of the Soviet government. Chronologically, the stages of the development of statehood are highlighted, as
well as the role of the Alash party in the formation of the Kazakh statehood is determined. The article considers the
Bolshevik period in the history of Kazakhstan: the events of the national liberation movement of 1916, the bourgeoisdemocratic and socialist revolutions of 1917, the events of the Civil War (1918-1920). The author focuses on the history
of the Bolshevization of the national cluster of managers, ethnocultural features and the relationship between the
processes of Bolshevization and Sovietization, power and ethnicity. The research is aimed at forming a more complete
and accurate understanding of the formation of the Soviet ethno-political elite as a key factor of state-building in the
USSR in the 1920s and 1930s. In Soviet times, Kazakhstan of the five Central Asian republics, Kazakhstan played the
most important industrial role in the Soviet system due to the rich coal and oil deposits in the northern sector of the
republic closest to Russia. In 1936, the Soviet government declared the KASSR a union republic, thus separating it from
the RSFSR, and in 1991, the Republic of Kazakhstan became an independent and sovereign state




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