Analysis of the existing technology of the primary processing of goat down


  • Janpaizova Vassiliya Mirzahmedovna
  • Botabaev Nurzhan Yerkebaevich
  • Kaldykulov Murat Sergalievich
  • Mutalov Nurzhigit Batyrұly


goat down, softness, crimpiness, elasticity, elasticity, primary processing, spinning, quality.


This article provides a complete description of the goat down, it is shown that goat down is considered the best material for the
manufacture of down products. Goat down is thinner than merino wool, and products made of it have lightness, softness, beauty. The small thickness, peculiar fine crimpiness, elasticity and elasticity of the fibers contribute to the very weak thermal conductivity of
goat fluff. The technological properties of goat down of various downy breeds are not the same. Orenburg down has the highest
technological properties. It is established that the main problem of the process of making fine yarn (15 tex and thinner) from goat
down is the increased breakage of the yarn in spinning due to its uneven thickness, this requires further improvement of the
technology of preprocessing and spinning of this type of fiber.

