Implementation of ethical principles in civil and criminal proceedings Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Manakaeva Kymbat Saulovna
  • Ramazanova Ainur Serikhanovna


professional ethics, principles, moral requirements, morality, justice, judicial process, judicial power.


The activities of the court affect the interests of many people in the field of solving their social and interpersonal conflicts, so
moral issues always accompany the legal profession. Accordingly, the peculiarities of the legal profession necessitate the existence
of legal ethics.
As is known, the effectiveness of the judiciary depends on the effectiveness of the judicial system, the latter is determined by the
effectiveness of the administration of justice, which is carried out in the form of a certain type of legal proceedings. Participants in
both civil and criminal proceedings in each particular case pursue their specific objectives, due to their position in the case related
to the protection of subjective rights and interests. The judicial authority in any case also has its own tasks. However, the divergent
vectors of the goals of all participants in the judicial process should not prevent the judiciary and the judiciary as a whole, as one of
the branches of state power, to perform its functions and tasks. In this aspect, the moral and moral requirements imposed on the
judge are important, since the implementation of these ethical qualities depends on the legitimate administration of justice and
establishes faith in the justice of the law on the part of society.

