The relationship of physics and chemistry in the process of mastering chemistry at University and at school


  • Ibraeva Lyudmila Sabitovna
  • Abdullina Anar Daniyarova


intersubject communications, the manual, program questions.


This article describes the interdisciplinary connections of physics and chemistry in high school and at school. Active inclusion
of teachers in the process of continuous learning is the main condition for the development of their creative potential: their
competence and pedagogical teaching, their social and professional mobility, their citizenship and professionally significant
qualities of the individual. The big role in this applies interdisciplinary connections (IPS). The need to implement the IPU in school
and at University as a didactic condition for improving the quality of students ' knowledge and the role of learning in the
development of dialectical thinking of students is beyond doubt. Numerous studies have shown that the inconsistency of modern
curricula of physics and chemistry; lack of unity of interpretation of the concepts of laws, theories common to the cycle of natural
Sciences, as well as continuity in their formation; weak reflection in them of the relationship between the phenomena of nature,
leads to the fact that the knowledge of students in the subjects of the natural science cycle are scattered. They lack a scientific
understanding of the laws of development of the world, the ability to apply the knowledge gained in the study of the basics of
natural Sciences in school. In overcoming these shortcomings in the context of the traditional system of studying the basics of
natural Sciences in high school and in school, a big role is given to the disclosure of interdisciplinary connections and the study of
methods of teaching such topics.

