Development of the morphological table of methods for determining The periodicity of technical maintenance of dump trucks


  • Кызылбаева Эльвира Жанабековна
  • Zharkenov Nursultan Balgaevich
  • Iskakov Ali Sergazievich


dump truck, morphological analysis, repair, maintenance, optimization, dynamic, economical, probabilistic.


Morphological analysis of the most well-known methods for determining the periodicity of maintenance of dump trucks (at
the permissible level of non-failure, according to the permissible value of the parameter, technical-economic, economicprobabilistic, statistical tests, and dynamic) made it possible to identify combinations. With their help, the most effective
technical operation of dump trucks with various production and technical facilities and forms of ownership is possible. Based
on the analysis of methods for determining the frequency of maintenance, it is established that a failure warning is more
beneficial than waiting for a failure and subsequent repairs. For the modern career dump truck, the most suitable system with
two or three types of maintenance. In the future, it is possible to implement an individual grouping of maintenance. Individual
grouping of maintenance can be carried out at specific dump trucks or their groups operating under similar operating
Among the developed strategies of maintenance (maintenance) and repair of mining equipment, the most practical
distribution was the strategy of "waiting for repair" and a preventive strategy. In its turn, the preventive strategy has two main
methods of implementation: it is planned to influence or control the parameter of the technical condition of the quarry motor
vehicle. In the future, one of the possible strategies for each element of a career dump truck is selected.
When an optimal periodicity of maintenance is assigned, an individual approach is used. An individual approach is used
in determining the periodicity of maintenance of the most critical units, aggregates, and mechanisms of a career dump truck.
This approach is also used in cases where a node, mechanism of aggregate is mainly subjected to only one damage. The
obtained optimal periodicity for each element of the construction of a mining dump truck has values that are extremely
different from each other. Following this, in order to simplify the organization of maintenance, these values are grouped into
separate stages. These periodicities of the maintenance stages can be formed in the normative and technical documentation.
As is known, the periodicity of maintenance is determined by two approaches. As practice shows, the first approach is the
most acceptable. At the moment, there are six methods for determining the periodicity of maintenance, which is described in detail in the article. By combining these methods, there is an increase in the probability of the optimal frequency of

