Methodological bases of formation of readiness of elementary school teachers to innovative activity in the conditions of inclusive learning .


  • Donets Vitalii Grigoryevich


model, innovation, primary school teachers, inclusive education


The article is devoted to the actual problem of substantiation of the choice of methodological foundations
for the formation of the readiness of primary school teachers for innovative activities in the conditions of
inclusive education. The article presents the results of a four-stage pedagogical experiment (analyticaldiagnostic, ascertaining, formative and effective-generalizing), during which a set of developed
organizational, diagnostic and methodological measures was carried out. In the course of the experiment,
we used the model developed by the author for the formation of readiness for innovative activities of primary
school teachers in the conditions of inclusive education. Based on the results of the experiment, the criteria
for the readiness for innovative activities of primary school teachers in inclusive learning (target,
knowledge, operational, corrective and volitional), their indicators and levels (initial, average, sufficient and creative) were determined. The results of the calculations allowed us to conclude that there are significant
statistical differences in the levels of readiness of primary school teachers for innovative activities in the
context of inclusive education. This confirmed the assumption about the possibility of a purposeful impact on
the formation of the studied readiness in the conditions of a real educational process.

