Professional self-training of future specialists


  • Zyadina Saltanat Tattibekobne
  • Sultanova Nurgul Kamilyevna


professional selfdetermination, professional orientation, effectiveness, professional formation of future specialists, professional activity.


The article highlights the external signs, inclinations and abilities of future professional activity of students, as
well as the importance of the role of future professional self-determination. The article deals with the actual problem of
the theory of professional self-determination of empathic manifestations of ideas in the understanding of the student,
which is the basis of the research of the scientist psychologist, teacher. The stages and main directions of the activity of
the pedagogical staff of the university are determined. The directions of activity on consolidation of self-determination
as a specialist are analyzed and discussed. The problem of the process of self-determination and self-improvement
considered here, its professional interests, abilities and needs for young professionals, its structures, factors

