Species composition of beetles in the Semey region.
insects, coleoptera, leaf beetles, biogroup, ecosystem, agriculture, pests, larvaeAbstract
This article presents data on leaf beetles - one of the most important families of coleopterous insects in the Semey
region. The study identified 25 species of leaf beetles belonging to 10 families. A brief ecological description of some
species is given. Due to the fact that beetles are very diverse and are found everywhere, their significance in nature was
determined. In nature, many benefits are brought by the sanitary activities of beetles, such as the destruction of animal
corpses. Flesh-eating bugs in the gardens and forests prey on various types of insects and bugs. Many beetles are
pollinators of flowering plants. In addition, there are families that feed on plant organs and cause them harm. Beetles are important both in nature and in human life. Many of these groups can be used as biological indicators in determining
ecosystem monitoring.
Although there are currently data on the coleoptera from the Semei region, they are incomplete. Incomplete study
of this fauna also hinders the rational use of natural resources and the solution of environmental problems. That’s why,
it is important to fully study the coleoptera from this region