Legislative blurr in the framework of protection the rights of the child


  • Kanatov Almas Kanatovich
  • Nurlumbayeva Lyazzat Yerlanovna


protection of the rights of the child, children, improvement of legislation in the field of protection of the rights of the child.


The priority of the need to protect the rights of children is a fundamental direction for every country, which
contributes to the creation of a healthy future generation. Various measures to protect the rights of the child are carried
out on an ongoing basis in Kazakhstan. International organizations carry out various programs aimed at developing a
child-friendly social environment and creating equal access for every child to public goods. Special attention is paid in
Kazakhstan to improving the current legislation in this area.
In this article, the authors present proposals for the draft Law "On amendments and additions to some legislative
acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the protection of the rights of the child", also reveals some aspects of the
problems that arise in modern realities in terms of ensuring the protection of the rights of the child.
Based on the analysis of the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the above-mentioned
draft Law, the authors justify the need to make appropriate changes in the field of education, taking into account the
peculiarities of teaching children during the pandemic, issues of deprivation of parental rights, alimony payments.
The methodological basis of the study was made up of general scientific and private scientific methods. The
article uses system-structural, formal-logical and dialectical research methods



