Self-realization of children with disabilities through playing chess


  • M. Togyzbayeva
  • M. Khametova
  • T. Kadirkhanov
  • E. Kayyrbek


Children with disabilities, chess, tournament, circle, self-realization,adaptation.


The article discusses the self-realization of children with disabilities through chess thinking. The socialization of children
with disabilities and the conduct of a chess club, the creation of the necessary conditions for chess lessons, the formation of the need for the development of mental qualities, maximum integration into the community due to their understanding of the importance and necessity of chess lessons. The achievement of the result was planned through a chess circle. The issues of socialization of children with disabilities in society, the formation of communication skills, increasing the level of knowledge in the field of chess are considered. Thanks to participation in the circle and competitions, you can observe how children and parents have changed.
Learning the game of chess for children with disabilities will help overcome the difficulties of their development. The
possibilities of expanding the circle of communication, full self-realization, self-realization allow these children to overcome
isolation. In the chess game there is a rapid and comprehensive development of a child with disabilities. Use it rationally and
effectively in the speech, spatial imagination and abstract thinking of the child. The main tasks are: creating conditions for
continuous chess lessons for children with disabilities, training athletes, organizing competitions for people in chess and physical
fitness activities, creating a system of propaganda and popularization of chess among students through marketing and advertising
services, holding regular chess competitions at school.



