Correction of pathological changes in the mental state of children and adolescents
mental state; pathological changes; abnormal behavior; correctional and developmental work; psychotherapeutic effects; psychotherapy methods; systematization of deviationsAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of correction of pathological changes in the mental state of children and
adolescents. The analysis of this problem, highlighted in the works of a number of foreign and domestic authors.
Psychopathy is considered as an abnormal phenomenon in behavior, and not as a mental illness.
This article discusses the differential study of children and adolescents with deviations in mental development;
factors affecting the occurrence of pathological changes and their features. The classification and scientific foundations
of systematization of various deviations in behavior are presented. Considering the potential of behavioral abnormalities, the significance of full compensation of deficiencies and the performance of remedial work is shown. The
effectiveness of the use of modern methods of psychotherapy (relaxation techniques, art therapy, psycho-gymnastics,
music therapy) and training in the prevention and prophylaxis of pathological changes in the mental state of children
and adolescents has been proven