Балаларды отбасында және мектепте қарым - қатынас мәдениетіне тәрбиелеу


  • Акманова Галия Рахметоллаевна
  • Жайргазина Hургуль Tокановна


отбасы, отбасы тәрбиесі, ата-ана, балалар,баланы тәрбиелеу, ата-ананың өзін-өзі тәрбиелеуі, тәлімдік дәстүрлер, адамгершілік қасиет, отбасындағы өзара қарым-қатынас, отбасылық дәстүрлер, отбасындағы еңбекке қатынас, татулық, достық, жанашырлық, адалдық, сыйластық, қарым-қатынас.


The article discusses the issue of parenting in a culture of communication in the family and at school in a variety of
Factors affecting the formation of a child's communication skills include family, school, environment (friends, influence in
the yard, on the street, etc.), the media (newspapers and magazines), etc. is. The results of the work on the formation of a
culture of communication have shown that the role of the family in the formation of these qualities is special. After all, the
child is a witness to the most harmonious, fair relations between family members and sets an example. The influence of
parenting on the responsibility of the child in the family and the awakening of a sense of friendship and honor for others.
Parents and other adults influence the younger generation only by their personal example and example. Parents should not
allow themselves to be exposed to unpleasant situations, even temporarily, because the consequences of burns can quickly
take root and become a habit in the child. Our ancestors taught their children to avoid negative traits such as laziness,
naivety, cowardice, lies and deceit. At the same time, they sought to instill moral values in the young generation, preserving
the land, country, homeland, language that we protect with all our heart and soul.
In fact, the child receives the basic alphabet of parenting in the family. Currently, in the context of the country's transition
to market relations, family values that have developed over the years are undergoing socio-economic changes. Especially in
accordance with the requirements of the new social reality, raising children in the family is in crisis. In this regard, the need
to analyze the complex social process of modern society is one of the main issues on the agenda of pedagogy and psychology.
Thus, the main factors in the formation of a culture of communication in children are the social environment, friends, etc.,
the media (newspapers, magazines, television, radio, etc.).




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